I’ve been playing guitar for nearly 30 years. Though I’m currently gigging out and working on a record with my band Building James, I’m also working on a less organized solo project in my home studio. The Building James material is coming out awesome, and the gigs are fun as hell, but I still write and record my own material on the side…. it’s therapy.

Actually, “solo project” sounds a little too official for what I’m doing. I mean, I’m not shooting for the next White Album here. I’ve just wanted to produce a decently mixed 6-8 song demo of my own tunes for a long time. As these songs get written and recorded, I’ll be posting them here – making them available to anyone who may want to check them out.

01. Everyday Object Metal
02. Coffee Metal
03. Kazoo Metal
04. Trash Metal
05. Space Metal
06. Just Bass Metal
07. Dog Metal
08. Didgeridoo Metal
09. Spoon Metal
10. Candy Metal


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