ADAM BOMB is part of ’80s culture and the hard rock scene. The vocalist / guitarist formed a band with future Queensrÿche frontman Geoff Tate, auditioned for KISS, was member of Black ‘N Blue, TKO (album In Your Face), etc, and started a solo career in the mid Eighties, with his 1989’s album ‘Pure S.E.X.’ becoming pretty successful.

With eleven LP’s since and still active in the business, Adam now has released a new album captured live with his rocking band, performing all his best and known songs. Titled “Livedream“, the 20-track offer rocks hard, with a fiery atittude and tons of adrenaline.
”Livedream” was produced by legend Dieter Dierks (Scorpions, Accept, Dokken) so expect a punchy, aggressive sound output.

There’s no one else in the rock world quite like Adam Bomb. With his blistering guitar playing, raw vocals, and a heavy rock style that runs the gamut from comedic themes to tributes to fallen rockers, the guy has done it all. It’s criminal that he’s not a household name.
Since the mid 1980s and the release of his debut album Fatal Attraction, Mr. Bomb has made a name for himself with a loyal cult following, rubbing shoulders with and collaborating with many of the best in the business.

Captured in Germany “Livedream” sees Adam Bomb going through all phases of his career, shelling out his hits to enthusiastic audience of European rockers (while American, much of Mr. Bomb’s fame is in Europe, as is often the case with artists of his era). His band features drummer Kid Leo and bassist Kozzy Havokk, and while being a trio they sound huge.

From early Adam Bomb cuts like “S.S.T.” and “I Want My Heavy Metal” to more recent fare like a parody of AC/DC’s TNT about getting high, I can’t remember the last time a live recorded concert has made me so enthusiastic. As if the tight band and the heavy sounds weren’t already enough, there’s even special guest appearances from legendary boxing announcer Michael “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble” Buffer, bookending the concert. No joke.
We love the “do it yourself” nature of this project; it’s like a classic-era live albums when this type recordings where really exciting.

At 75 minutes, LIVEDREAM is fairly short compared to some recorded concerts out there, but it’s all killer with no filler.
There are admittedly a few Adam Bomb classics missing here I would love to have heard; “Shape of the World,” “Russian Roulette,” and “Johnny in the Sky” come to mind, but if you’re a fan of the guy or classic, raw, juvenile hard rock in general, Adam Bomb is still delivering the goods.
“Livedream” rocks hard. Fans of Adam Bomb and ’80s heavy rock will be glad to know the guy is still active and rocking out, doing what he does best.
Highly Recommended

01 – Intro 911 (Live)
02 – Last Night on Earth (Instrumental) (Live)
03 – I’m on It (Live)
04 – Might Makes Right (Live)
05 – Shake the Earth (Live)
06 – Joint (THC) (Live)
07 – They Only Love You When You’re Dead (Live)
08 – Lyin’ with Dogs (Live)
09 – Crash Boom Bam (Live)
10 – Kid Leo Drum Solo (Live)
11 – Je T’aime Bebe (Live)
12 – Adam’s Guitar Solo (Live)
13 – D.W.I. On the Info-Superhighway (Live)
14 – S.S.T. (Live)
15 – I Want My Heavy Metal (Live)
16 – Pure S.E..X. (Live)
17 – Bought the Farm (Live)
18 – Crazy M#therF#cker (Live)
19 – Rock Like F#ck (Live)
20 – One Punch Can Change the Fight (Live)

Adam Bomb – vocals, guitar
Kozzy Havokk – bass, vocals
Kid Leo Cakolli – drums


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