Psychostick – Space Vampires VS Zombie Dinosaurs In 3D (2011)

Country: USA
Genre: Heavy Metal, Humorcore
Quality: mp3, 320kbps
Size: 116MB


1. Premature Intoxication
2. Welcome To The Show
3. Sadface :[
4. Because Boobs
5. Intervention For A Good Mood
6. Hate Times 8
7. It’s Just A Movie, Stupid
8. Political Burn
9. That Guy
10. Six Pounds Of Terror
11. Methane Crescendo
12. My Clingy Girlfriend
13. The Root Of All Evil
14. Numbers (I Can Only Count To Four)
15. Duh, Of Course We Did Outtakes!

Clever, smart and witty would be a good way to describe the tone on this humorous yet rocking album. Space Vampires vs. Zombie Dinosaurs in 3D is the third release from Phoenix, Arizona quartet Psychostick. Packed from beginning to end with carefully crafted lyrics, it runs the gamut of the “humor-core” genre.

Psychostick’s founding members include the ingenious singer Rob Kersey, the guitar play of Josh Key, drummer Alex Dontre and newly added bassist Matt Rzemyk. These four talents have all but mastered the combination of humor and hard core rock music.

The album starts of with “Welcome to the Show”, a comical ditty that mocks bands and their egotistical theatrics during live performances. “Sadface” follows, and teases individuals who’s lives revolve seriously around Facebook and other social media outlets. You will hear a sprinkle of Marilyn Manson’s “The Beautiful People” mixed in with killer guitar riffs.

Other notable songs include the hilarious tune “It’s Just a Movie, Stupid” in which the boys tear into the romantic comedy movie genre, ripping it into shreds. “Numbers (I Can Only Count to Four)” is a no-holds-barred jab at Drowning Pool’s “Bodies”.

Psychostick thoroughly violates multiple subjects throughout the album. Politics in “Political Burn”, relationships in “My Clingy Girlfriend”, boobs in “Because Boobs”, and farting in “Methane Crescendo”.

There are a few filler bits strategically placed throughout, but they fit in perfectly with the rest of the songs. One being “That Guy”, as well as the final track which consists of funny outtakes during the recording of the album and the band trying to hold it together.

If you’re up for a change from the usual angst-ridden hardcore music that is common amongst 99% of metal bands, then Space Vampires vs. Zombie Dinosaurs in 3D will put a smile on your face.

Final Words: Satire music writing at its best, so jam and laugh along.


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