Crimson Rain are a quartet hailing from the Water District in Argovia, Switzerland, which is generally known for its rural landscape and foggy winters rather than for good rock music, but the past and the present confirm that there is a lot of musical talent in the area, and Crimson Rain are one promising example of this. While the band clearly file their endeavors in the general Prog area, they are remarkably different from what you would expect at first thought, in quite a number of aspects – as they neither copy drug-infused-80s-organ wanking nor fiddle 24-minute-tracks consisting of one single guitar solo in 7/8.
1. Intro
2. Endgame
3. Vigour of The Law
4. Raise of The Indignant
5. Our Gleam of Hope
6. Leap of Faith
7. Heliocentric
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