Category: Folk

Folk metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal music that developed in Europe during the 1990s, a fusion of heavy metal and traditional folk music. This includes the widespread use of folk instruments and, to a lesser extent, traditional singing styles (for example, Dutch Heidevolk, Danish Sylvatica and Spanish Stone of Erech).

Dalriada – Napisten hava (2012)

1. Intro (Felcsíki lassú csárdás) 2. A Dudás 3. Tündérkert 4. Napom, Fényes Napom 5. Napisten Hava 6. Julianus Útja 7. Puszta Föld 8. Hunyadi és Kapisztrán Nándorfehérvári Diadaláról (Saltarello)…